Donate now as a company to the orphanage in Africa!

Your donation will benefit the QK Orphanage in Nakuru, Kenya.
Help us cover the children's basic needs and provide them with an education, motherly care and prospects!

For corporate donations, simply click next to "Account holder" on "Donate as a company " and you can enter your company details. You will then receive your donation receipt from betterplace.

As a non-profit organisation based in Germany we can also issue donation receipts for bank transfers. Please contact us and we will organise this quickly and easily!

For donations of less than €300, a bank statement is sufficient for the tax office as proof of the donation.

You can also send us your donation via bank transfer!

Account holder: Smile for Children e.V.

IBAN: DE95 4726 0121 8333 7960 00

Please be aware that our bank account is registered in Germany so transfers from other countries may lead to extra costs.